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Taking Proper Care for Cut Flowers
23 Oct

Taking Proper Care for Cut Flowers

Posted By: Admin Times Read: 11593 Comments: 0

A flower bouquet just arrived and it brightens up your day. Cut flowers usually only last a couple of days before it eventually wilts. There are ways to for you to take care of the flowers and enjoy it longer. Follow the steps below as soon as you receive the flowers:

  1. Prepare the flowers: Flowers needs to be properly hydrated for it to last longer. But before you put it in a container you need to prepare a couple of things.
    1. Take off the wrappers.
    2. Remove all excess leaves that may fall below the water level. This will keep the water clean.
    3. Cut the flower stems diagonally to allow it to absorb more water. Cut the stem a couple of inches from the bottom or depending on how you will arrange it in the container. Note: For tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs you may need to cut off the hard-white section at the bottom of the stem for it to be able to absorb more water.

  2. Prepare the container: You may use any container that will properly hold water whether it is a vase, pitcher or a bottle. Pick a container that is stable and will suit your desired arrangement. Clean the container or make sure you are using a clean container. Place ample amount of water (about three-quarters) on the container.

    Tips: For tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs use cold water. For roses and lilies room temperature water would do fine but if you received closed flower heads you may use warm water (not hot) to force it to open up fully faster.

  3. Start Arranging: Place the flowers in the container. Cut the stem as you see fit and would suit your desired arrangement. You may want to put the taller stems in the middle and the shorter ones on the sides for a more visually appealing design.

Once you have done the steps above, you can maintain the flower by regularly replacing the water. The key is to keep the flowers regularly hydrates with clean water and avoid bacteria that would shorten the life span of the cut flowers. Avoid placing the flowers to direct sunlight.

We hope you will find this guide helpful. Visit our blog for more helpful ideas and tips.

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